Made to order items Saturday Delivery
Prepared for consumption on the day of delivery
Made to order
Bulgogi doshirak 불고기 도시락
Our marinated bulgogi as the protein + 4 freshly made banchan sides + rice
Jaeyook doshirak 제육 도시락
Our marinated spicy pork as the protein + 4 freshly made banchan sides + rice
Bulgogi Rice Bowl 불고기덥밥
Jaeyook Rice Bowl (spicy pork) 제육덥밥
Charim bibimbap 비빕밥
Steamed dumplings 찐만두
Dumpling Soup 차림만두국
Jja-jang Bowl 짜장덥밥
black bean sauce with pork, cabbage, potatoes, onions, zucchini over rice, served with pickled jalepenos
Japchae Rice Bowl 잡채덮밥
Organic Chicken Curry Rice bowl 카레덥밥
organic chicken curry with potatoes, carrots, onion, apples, over a bed of rice & pickeled jalepenos
Gondele Herb Rice Bowl 곤드레 & 무나물밥
A bowl of rice
rice mixed with sweet rice for a pillowy bite (16 oz)
Multi-grain rice (10 grains/beans)
Black beans, red beans, job's tears, black rice, white rice, sweet white rice, garbanzo beans, green peas, pearl barley, brown rice